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pictured above is my current obsidian setup. i am using the abyssal theme, and over two dozen plugins (i use obsidian for a lot of stuff). below are the ones i use.


title description
3D graph a 3D graph for obsidian
advanced slides create markdown-based presentations
advanced tables improve table formatting and manipulation
buttons create buttons in your notes
calendar calendar view of your daily notes
copilot a chatGPT copilot in obsidian
dataloom weave together data from diverse sources
dataview complex data views
digital garden publish your notes to the web
discord rich presence update your discord status to show 'obsidian'
editing toolbar MS word-like editing toolbar experience
excalibrain a clean and intuitive graph view
excalidraw view and edit excalidraw drawings
full calendar obsidian integration with
homepage open specified note or canvas on startup
kanban markdown-based kanban boards supercharge your obsidian experience
meld encrypt encrypt your notes
mind map view notes as a markmap mind map
obsidian enhancing export export to various formants
pandoc export to various formats
projects plain-text project management
recent files list files by most recently opened
settings search globally search settings
style settings various ux settings for many themes
surfing surf the net in obsidian
tasks task management in obsidian
templater create and use templates
terminal integrate terminals and consoles